
The Upland Church of Christ has a long history of spreading the gospel and helping others throughout the world. Members have been active in the past supporting and conducting medical missions to Nicaragua in conjunction with other Churches of Christ. The Upland congregation provided aid in the past to disasters in Haiti and Mexico as well as throughout the United States! We are currently involved and support the following missions

World Bible School

World Bible School is a proven and cost-effective way of spreading the Gospel to a lost world. World Bible School links together a worldwide network of Christians, missionaries, and churches to teach and reach truth-seekers, bringing them into God's family. This is accomplished through printed, mail-based courses, as well as internet-based formats in which students are taught and guided by Christians of all ages using the World Bible School correspondence courses.


At the present time the congregation supports two missions in Africa. Tamuka Arunashe oversees the work in Hinzeman, Zimbabwe and Sunday Onah oversees the work in Makurdi, Nigeria.


Patricio Bonifacio, an evangelist that facilitates the establishment and nurturing  of churches near Manila in the Philippines along with the support of their families.

South Korea

Dr. Malcom Parsley works with the congregations in South Korea to facilitate their growth and development. 

Church of Christ Disaster Relief

This organization brings communities together in providing the daily necessitates of life   to those communities impacted by a disaster. They are able to take financial donations and stretch every  dollar to purchase supplies and resources, maintain these supplies in a large warehouse and immediately deliver to an impacted area often coordinating with a local church congregation. 

Orphans International Lifeline

We support  two young men in Africa to ensure they are provided the educational resources , medical care, food , shelter and Christian teachings to grow physically and spiritually.