A Ministry For Everyone...

We offer a variety of ministries that you can learn more about below. Our hope is that no matter your interest, you find brother or sister who shares a similar passion and that you feel equipped and empowered to serve the Kingdom. 

Women's Ministry

Our women's ministry is designed to support our women, from the youngest to the most senior, in their walk with the Lord. Our ladies regularly enjoy ladies' breakfasts, craft days, singings, and other activities.

Men's Ministry

Mission Scripture: "Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." - Colossians 1:28

Mission Statement: The Upland church of Christ's men’s ministry seeks to develop biblically-grounded men of faith of all ages who reject passivity and accept responsibility by:

  • Leading their families in worship
  • Developing the community through a Biblical worldview
  • Engaging the Word of God in continuous individual and group studies
  • Reaching out to boys and men in the community with the Gospel
  • Discipling others and being discipled
  • Holding each other accountable to God’s standards
  • Enjoying life through God’s purpose

Blankets of Love

Blankets of Love is a sewing ministry that invites anyone who is interested to join together in creating blankets, quilts, and other items to bring comfort to others due to poverty, illness, or loss. This group sews, quilts, knits, and crochets. Blankets of Love meets on Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm for fun and fellowship and is fortunate to have a sewing teacher who meets with the group each week. The purpose of this group is to serve others and build bridges within our community. 

Blankets of Love In The News:

Golden Age Group

This group is comprised of those age 55 and older. This group meets for various activities such as meeting for meals or exploring various sites of interest. This group also hosts informational meetings, usually once a year, on topics of interest and utility to those in the community in this age demographic.

Moms On a Mission (MOMs Ministry)

Our MOMs Ministry exists to provide a space for moms to be supported and encouraged as they seek to raise faithful children. The group gathers quarterly for a fun and fellowship. They also have a group message where they regularly encourage one another and share prayer concerns.